Snowy Salt Lake City

I think it’s almost safe to say that spring has arrived, but before we get too comfortable with it, I want to remember a snowy morning in January (now that I’m all done blogging about EuroAdventure 2012). I was feeling some cabin fever from being cooped up sick all week. Even though because it had snowed the entire night, I knew there’d be some pretty pictures, so I bundled up tight and headed downtown. It was quite blustery still, and at first I wasn’t sure it would be worth it. But then I warmed up from brisk walking and started to see the beauty around me.


And since no one else was out and about, I had plenty of time to observe all the fine details and cute shops along Main Street.







Then I walked a block over to State Street because I wanted photos of the Eagle Gate. I’ve been a little obsessed with it lately. I just find it so stunning. This gate was erected in 1963, but an eagle gate has existed for over 150 years, ever since the pioneers first came to the Salt Lake Valley. It’s been widened and moved a few times, and the original eagle on top (perched on a beehive, the state symbol) was replaced with copper (the original is in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum). But because it’s right int he middle of a buys intersection, it’s always been really hard to photograph (also, I just hate those traffic lights right in the way!). But on a snowy day when few people are out, it’s easy to quickly pause in the middle of the road for a snapshot.



And then there are the Beehive House and the Lion House, where Brigham Young and several other prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints once lived. I have always loved them. (You probably know that since I often post pictures of them.)




And from there, it was a snowy walk to Temple Square.









The only other people I saw were sister missionaries, one small group of tourists, and other photographers. That seemed about right. It started snowing again, though, and I was ready to head back to my warm house, so I walked back up Main Street.


I almost didn’t make it out of my parking spot, though, because the roads were so slick. Eventually, with some smooth maneuvering, I was able to back up. I have to say that even though I kind of like those snowy mornings, I am so happy it’s almost spring.

Mobile Monday 40

I was downtown a lot this past week for one reason or another. First, I was scouting out photo locations. I ate lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe, which is located in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Also in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, a beautiful chandelier and stained glass ceiling.

I stopped by the new City Creek Center, too, to check it out. It was opening weekend, though, and way too crowded for my liking.

I returned to Temple Square on Tuesday evening to attend the temple. I love the temple grounds at night when all is quiet and I love the way the blossoms look against the blue sky. Regretfully I didn’t bring “the real camera” but the iphone did a fine job.

And then tonight, I stopped by downtown again. I was supposed to attend a church activity at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, but I couldn’t find any parking, so I decided to drive up to the Capitol and check out the cherry blossoms.

And then, of course, there are a few photos from every day life…

I’ve been sharing some more disposable hipstamatic cameras. Here are some photos from a roll shared with my friend, Taryn. First, she took some in Hawaii (lucky!) and took some gorgeous photos. (Is it possible to take a bad photo in Hawaii?)

And here’s her adorable dog, the Cheat. (Along with a taco dinner I enjoyed.)

Apparently all my photos for Taryn were food-related, especially yummy holiday food.

Kylie and I decided to incorporate a theme with our last roll, so we took photos of the primary colors. Unfortunately, they didn’t turn out as bright as I was hoping because of the camera we chose (there are a few different ones you can select with different effects), but I was still happy with some of them.

location scout

My dear friend, Jaime, is getting married next week right here in Salt Lake. You might remember Jaime from our trip to Savannah almost two years ago (I can’t believe it’s been that long!). Or from a little jaunt down to Grande Isle or any number of other little adventures when I lived in New Orleans. Right now she’s living in Chicago and will only be in SLC for her wedding. I can only imagine how difficult it is to plan a wedding from so far away, so I offered to help in any way possible. She asked if I could do a little scouting for photo locations near Salt Lake Temple since her photographer is also from out of town. Here’s the thing about the Salt Lake Temple grounds – it’s basically all just one beautiful setting for wedding photos. There are lots of weddings there on any given day. In fact, I saw three sets of brides and grooms there last Tuesday evening. You don’t have to go very far to find picture-perfect scenes. But I wanted to help out, so I decided to sacrifice my Saturday afternoon walking around downtown in perfect 70-degree weather taking photographs. It’s not something I would normally do, right? I tried to find some perhaps more unique locations near the temple for photos. You know, other than the typical temple steps, the reflecting pond, and the pedestal near the church office building. (Those are just given photos. They are on the must-have list of any wedding at the Salt Lake Temple, I believe.) I haven’t looked at a lot of wedding photos, so I may be wrong about this, but here are a few locations within walking distance of the Salt Lake Temple that I personally feel are underutilized.

First up, the Conference Center. It was built in 2000, so it’s a little more of a modern backdrop. But I love the lamp posts, the granite walls, the trees on the roof, and the copper doors that have turned a beautiful oxidized green.

My favorite building on Temple Square is the Assembly Hall. I adore the white Gothic spires and the stained glass windows. It also features some beautifully carved wooden doors.

And then there’s the Church Administration Building with its Greek columns and classical facade.

(To be fair, I do often see wedding pictures taken there, but I am in love with that bright yellow forsythia and just wanted to post the photo.)

My favorite hide-away near Temple Square isn’t always very secluded. It depends on the day, really, but I often find that I’m the only one there. It’s the patio behind the Lion House. I love the wrought iron tables and chairs, the tulip and daffodil beds, the gabled windows, the pink stucco walls, the stone fence and wooden gate. It’s just absolutely lovely.

I walked a few blocks into the city, which was extremely crowded because of the City Creek Center grand opening that weekend, but I didn’t find anything else really worth the effort. Of course, there’s also Memory Grove (not too far away, though perhaps not walking distance) and City Creek Park, but both of those are already commonly used areas for bridals and portraits. In fact, Memory Grove is where we went when I pretended to be a professional photographer with my nieces and nephew last summer. I also noticed a lot of beautiful rock walls on State Street as you head up to the Capitol that would make a lovely backdrop and I love the idea of getting some of the city behind. That’s the nice thing about the Capitol being on a steep hill.

I just love Salt Lake. I still often miss New Orleans (quite a lot!), but I do love my little city.

I’m linking up today with Miss Kris’s Busy Nothings Photography Club. I’m supposed to choose my favorite photo from the month, but I always have an impossible time choosing. I figure that one of these will do. Any ideas which one I should choose?

Temple Square

On Saturday, Kristy, Tess, and I went to lunch at the Red Iguana and then visited Temple Square. It was a beautiful day for a visit, and apparently, to get married. We saw at least five brides and their retinue hanging around the temple.

Traditionally, couples getting married at the Salt Lake Temple pose with their families in front of one of the four massive doors to the temple. The two on the east side were occupied, but we found a free one on the west.

We walked around the Main Plaza for a better view of the temple.

And waited for a bride to finish getting her pictures taken on the pedestal, so we could take a few of our own.

And then we found a nice patch of grass in the shade and relaxed while Tess explored the flowerbeds.

Altogether, it was a simply lovely afternoon.

Catching Up 5: Temple Square

I can’t help but love the lights at Temple Square. Even with throngs of people visiting and freezing, grumpy kids used to New Orleans balmy winters and the longest line I’ve ever seen for a bathroom, it is still magical.

And of course, like last year, my camera battery died on me. You would think I’d have picked up an extra one by now. At least it was much warmer this year.

Mobile Monday 5

I don’t know why I thought I’d have more time to edit photos and blog while I was on vacation. It’s been such a wonderful non-stop round of visiting with family and friends that I didn’t even get my Mobile Monday post up yesterday. Better late than never?

Obviously I went to the airport last week so that I could get to Utah. While I was waiting in the terminal in New Orleans, though, I started reading this article in a discarded newspaper. I felt like it was so perfectly New Orleans to describe the time line of construction using Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday. I also loved the Christmas trees lining the moving walkway in the SLC airport. That airport is so familiar to me. It always makes me feel good to know that I am “home.”

Of course, I went to see the lights at Temple Square, along with everyone else in the nearby area. I don’t remember it being so crowded on previous trips, but I think the night before Christmas Eve is probably a high traffic night. At least it wasn’t too cold.

Of course, I played with my nephews and nieces a lot, although I seem to have only taken iphone photos of Liam.

Of course, I visited my dad in the state prison, always an awkward and bittersweet experience.

Of course, I got together with friends and we ended up at the Nickelcade because I love arcade games.

And of course, I’ve done a lot of driving. I love seeing my mountains again.